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Day Bulger


Day Bulger is a fourth year student at Augustana. Although officially enrolled in the Bachelor of Science program with a focus on ecology, her diverse academic interests also include medieval literature, chemistry, music, linguistics, and languages. One project she wants to investigate further is St. Francis of Assisi and his atypical treatment of nonhuman animals throughout various works that radically diverges from contemporary medieval thought. In her spare time, Day enjoys singing and playing instruments, practicing Spanish and Japanese, and travelling the world. She is strongly committed to a vegan lifestyle and gently advocates for all animals through sharing her favorite recipes with friends and family. 

Brandon Alakas


Brandon Alakas is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Alberta – Augustana. His research focuses on late-medieval religious culture, with particular interest in the many ways that monastic orders aimed to guide lay piety. He has published articles on the Birgittine community at Syon Abbey, the Coventry Corpus Christi Play, Thomas More, and Shakespeare. Returning to his interest in devotional literature, he is currently researching Richard Whitford’s Dyuers Holy Instrucyons and Teachynges and the anonymous Looking Glace for the Religious, a contemplative guide for recusant English women. When not reading or writing about monks, Brandon tries to make time for his excessive number of hobbies, which include language learning, cooking, and running.    â€‹

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